plus-size-fashion-blog-how-to-wear-a-patterned-coat-3The votes are tallied and boxes checked and I can’t help but feel disappointment. It’s not the outcome I hoped for. I am not confident in our countries direction with this new leadership. I am nervous.  But today I remind myself that every cloud has a silver lining. I don’t  think the US has been this emotionally involved in an election in a long time. Voter turn our was up nearly 5% with highly contested counties reporting voter turn out at over 70%.  So regardless of who has won, it feels like America’s citizens are starting to care.  We so long have been apathetic to it all and all I can hope is that in four years that renewed interest turns into citizens demanding more from their candidates. Better behavior. Better plans. Better thought. But first we have to be better. And the care and passion many voters have had this election season, shows that we can and hopefully will be better. So while all this is overwhelming and for some deeply disappointing, I refuse to buy into the end of the world philosophy that seems to be echoing through many’s hearts today.  I believe is we can move forward if we continue to invest our emotions and energy into shaping America into the place we want to live.  I won’t be easy, but the best things rarely are.

We All Have Flaws.


One thing I have worked hard to learn- and then regularly remind myself – is that perfect doesn’t exist. It’s really easy to see the flaws in things. This situation is teeming with flaws.  However, the flaws are ALWAYS less than the good.  We are simply trained to see what something can’t be versus what it can become. I believe one statement: people are mostly made of good. And we all have terrible ways of acting out on our own self  interests, but at our core rarely are our intentions solely malicious. I am reminding myself of this today.

Self Love Through A Change in

This oddly dove tails into one of the main ways I have found to improve my self perception.  We choose to see the broken bits. We choose to the focus on the ways we are incapable, mediocre,and flawed. But there are so many many ways we are beautiful, impactful, and needed. To truly love ourselves, grow our confidence, and push away doubt- we must focus on our potential instead of our roadblocks. We have to choose to change our perspective and focus on just how powerful and meaningful we can

For example, I could see myself as loud, over the top, emotional and dramatic.  Focus on how I’ve never been thin, have a hunchback, and patches of dry skin.  Invest my energy in analyzing how I exaggerate,  forget things, and  sometimes I drowned myself in my work so I don’t realize that I am lonely.

Or I could see myself as a brilliant creative thinker, who works hard, and never gives up. I could remember that give nearly everything I have to others, because  as long as I am not in need and I have more to give. I can see the way I always find a way to make people lough, smile at strangers, and regularly help others find direction in their careers. I can reflect how I have an uncanny knack to make others feel comfortable, even when I myself might feel out of place.

A Very Personal Example


Everyday I am presented with a wide array of opportunities to see my flaws or see my potential. For example, yesterday I felt disconnected from something and I started to question whether this was a result of me not being good enough. But as soon as I realized this, I committed to re-framing my perspective. Instead of thinking about what was wrong with me and having a mini pity party, I sucked it up and began to think about what I cold do to feel more plugged in. I focused on my potential to turn the situation around, which led to me making a few small tweaks. My day and feelings lightend. The choice was mine. I don’t always make the right choice, but the focus on constantly analyzing how I can see my potential has led to a significant increase in appreciation for myself. It’s help me battle demons. It’s helped me to shift the assessment of my value from external analysis to one of self awareness and love. I value and love myself because I am aware of what I capable of- now and in the today when everything seems less then ideal. When the world seems broken. When you feel bruised. Don’t Panic. Instead of putting energy into the loss, but your heart into the change. What needs to happen, so that this doesn’t happen again.  How can your voice help educate and shape the way citizens see each other? How can protect those who now feel unsupported and unsafe? Now that people are angry and passionate, this is the exact time to focus that energy into the change. We can’t change the past, but we can shape the future.  That’s what’s on my mind today.

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