Funky Florals + Deep Thoughts

I always dress up the day after having a bad day-something about put together helps me feel like I can conquer everything. I suppose that’s why today I’m wearing what only can be described as an eclectic bad ass babe’s power suit.  The floral pencil skirt is from Eloquii, the sheer teal collared shirt is from Modcloth, and bright, yet assertive, powder blue faux leather jacket is from Just Fab. The earrings are some of my faves I picked up from a local street artistic in New York. The shoes I purchased in London from Jones Bootmaker  and were the first pair of heels I could wear all day and not hate the world after. The last detail is pretty much hidden in the images. It’s a gold lucky rabbit ring from Me & Zena. After yesterday’s events, I can use all the luck I can get.

Monday was one of those days I wish hadn’t happened, but am ultimately a better person because it did. Sometimes growth is super painful, but we come out the end better. So as much as I really wanted to run away and hide from all the emotions and self analysis I faced yesterday. I am forever grateful I didn’t. I shared a very public opinion about a very controversial topic. I received some well-thought out rebuttals, but I also received some pretty nasty commentary. It was hard to see a wide variety of assumptions about me be expressed, as well as several unfair analyses of how had come to believe what I did. Some felt the need to negate some pretty powerful and hard experiences in my life. And unfortunately, my body reacted and reminded me of those emotions, those moments, and that pain. It was rough.

I was so hurt. I tried to put something positive out and as a result was left feeling very helpless and like I re-broken something I had already healed. I was feeling so much that I simply didn’t need to. Reliving these experiences weren’t necessary. My participation in the discussion wasn’t necessary. So I made a decision. Somethings just aren’t worth talking about. There are parts of my life I am not ready to share. Heck, I may never be ready. And until I feel comfortable discussing all of it, I’m going to talk about none of it.

What is so hard about this experience, is I didn’t expect this to affect me as it did. I didn’t expect to suddenly feel everything I felt. I thought I was stronger than that. The truth is sometimes being a blogger makes you feel a bit invincible. You get so used to hate. You get desensitized. You begin to expect it. Other’s expect it of you.  While there’s power in being conditioned to be fearless and impenetrable, there also can be a slow loss of reality and empathy.

So while yesterday was painful and overwhelming, I am thankful for it. I still stand by my words. I still believe what I said. However, all of that seems quite pointless now. The real thing I learned yesterday is that I am still human. It’s ok to feel. It’s ok to not be ok. It’s ok to have things that are difficult to talk about, experiences you wished never happened, and moments you wish you could rewrite. It’s not shameful to be sensitive, overwhelmed, or hurt. Even though I am blogger exposed to the world, I still am human. I still have feelings. I have fears.  I still have room to grow. Sometimes my own expectations of what I need to be, get in the way of who I really am. I’m a feeler and yesterday I felt things. I felt them hard. And those feelings ultimately made me a better person, so I refuse to be ashamed of or regret them. 


The Power of Fancy Pants

The Power of Fancy Pants

As I look at my computer screen right now I have 21% battery left. I’ve decided that I’ve got just until that battery fades to finish this post. I guess that’s how I achieve work/life balance, by constantly some how managing to do the impossible in too little time on too little sleep. Man am I tired. It’s been a hard day, but the good kind where you know the exhaustion will pay off in progress.  Data is passed out at my feet and making soft whimpers as I type. I have never been more jealous of him. First things first, since most of you will read this blog solely to get the details on these very fancy pants, I will indulge you sooner rather than later. These floral harem pants are from ASOS and the pink top is from Eloquii. I like it because it has a bow in the back, just like me-secretly girly. The gilded sandals are Crocs, because it’s hot and I just want to be comfortable. Lastly, the jewelry is a set I almost missed my flight home from Delhi, India for.  Good accessories are important.

I wore these pants today, because some days we simply dress to make ourselves stronger. Today was one of those days. After a hellacious trip into NYC last night, I just wanted to wear something bright, as a symbol I would not back down if the day decided to get hard. No white flag would be waved. And I would not just seize the day; I would do it boldly and with as much confidence as one can wearing floral harem pants.

Today, I wanted to be seen.

On some links I earn affiliate commissions that help support my blog. 



How to “Work” the Athleisure Trend

How to “Work” the Athleisure Trend

Athleisure wear is comfortable. Athleisure wear is cute. But athleisure wear is not work appropriate… or is it? I challenged myself to define a new fashion class.
Call it busleisure, workletics, jobsport or whatever other quirky new age name you want. I will simply call it comfortable at the cubicle, wearable at the water cooler, and baller at the board meeting.
This look perfectly encompasses the merger of my business and sporty self. The dress is a structured, funky yet, classic business look from Eloquii. However, instead of a predictable blazer I’ve paired this stunner  with a kimono style cropped work out jacket from Nike (no longer available, but I like this alternative).
To add a little more oomph to the look, I paired this fashion knock out with my favorite necklace from my home girl Nina Berenato and my favorite gold as eff sneakers (also from Nike, no longer available but here’s an alternative). The result is style that make you wonder- just wear is this girl going? She’s going to run the world, sir. She’s going to run the world.

Plus Size Women On Vacation Should Own This Dress

Plus Size Women On Vacation Should Own This Dress

So today I was like, New Years, what up? I should look at what’s kicking around in the sales section and maybe save me some monies. However, what I saw on those perfectly composed pages of HTML and color made me very confused. There were plenty of pieces on sale that I not only owned, but LOVED. And many of the items where my initially reaction had been all like “meh, I mean if I had to,” were sold out. I guess I truly am an oddball- even in my fashion choices.

You should really own this dress

However there was one dress- this dress – that I was literally angry it was not sold out. Because this dress is magical AF and every women should own it. I’d also like to start a petition, lobbyist conversations, and a dramatic sit-in that drives for the change the world needs…. this dress is several other colors, prints, and textures. This dress is a mythical unicorn of fashion and every lady should own it. Lets have a quick chat about why.

Magic dress powers explained

Before you begin to give me side eye and be all judgey- let me justify my extreme adoration for this dress. First and foremost, it’s comfortable, flattering and fits well. This will likely be true for most shapes, based on the cut of the dress. It’s universally flattering and blah blah blah. That’s the boring, expected perks of a well made dress. Now onto the exciting bits. You don’t have to wear a bra. Nope, you don’t.  You can let those melons jiggle and enjoy the breeze that wafts nicely through that breathable fabric. Thanks top ruffle! I don’t have a bra on in this photo and magically flat chested me looks like I have boobalas and that they are lifted and separated by an over the shoulder boulder holder instead of their true situation- free balling in the Caribbean.

Outfit details

The gold lace up shoes are from Asos, and the mid block heel makes them perfect for traveling; they’re easy on the feet. The oversized black tassel earrings  (which are surprisingly light weight) and the hexagon sunglasses are epic amazon bargains. And of course this amazing patchwork of sex appeal in dress form is available from Eloquii clearance, is under $30 and still available in most sizes.

Copper: My New Favorite Metallic

Copper: My New Favorite Metallic

I am one day away from lying on a sandy beach with rum in my hand and sea salt in my hair. Given the ever-growing list of things I need to get done, and my excellent ability at finding ways to distract myself from the tasks at hand, I’m a little stressed. So today instead of several lines of witty prose, I’m just going to give you the outfit details and slowly back away. Maybe just maybe I’ll finish my laundry, close out the items on my work to do list and somehow squeeze a pedicure in.

Shop This Look

I earn affiliate commission on some of the links in this post, this helps support my blog but does not control what items I choose to showcase.